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Save on egress charges with the Jackal Cloud

Published on
September 30, 2024


Data egress charges are the biggest hidden cost of cloud storage, hurting enterprises and small businesses globally. These costs are hard to predict and often result in unexpected charges threatening the bottom line.

What are ‘data egress charges?’

These are extra costs for businesses and individuals that add up quickly. Egress charges are typically incurred whenever data is transferred from the cloud service. For example, say you would like to download or transfer about 25 TBs of your files to your location, a friend, or a client. To do this, you are typically charged over $2,000 in fees you may not be aware of when using legacy cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud. When using the Jackal Cloud, data transfer is free, and users get to save over $2,000.

Why is this a big deal?

As these charges are difficult to understand, it is nearly impossible to budget for. Data transfer needs vary significantly from one month to the next. This is particularly problematic for small businesses and startups that may not have the financial resources to absorb these additional costs.

An egress nightmare.

One example of egress charges gone wrong is when NASA struck a deal with AWS for 247 petabytes of data storage for their Earth Science Data and Information System. Unfortunately forgot about the egress costs. When the agency forgot to budget for around $30 million a year due to the egress charges on top of NASA’s $65 million per year deal with AWS, the data stored becomes trapped as the agency couldn’t afford for researchers and other users to access the data. Abstracting from this deal, NASA should expect 50% of its data storage budget to be allocated purely to egress charges, resulting in the cost of data storage being $32 per month per terabyte once the additional charges are factored into the equation. The same deal with the Jackal Protocol would have been 4x cheaper, with a higher cyber security posture and 3x redundancy of all data stored on the network.

How can the Jackal Cloud help?

Overall, data egress charges can be a significant burden for enterprises and small businesses and can result in unexpected costs that can hurt the bottom line. It is important for businesses to carefully evaluate their data storage and transfer needs and to carefully consider the costs associated with data egress when choosing a cloud storage provider. Those who choose to integrate the Jackal Cloud with their operations can enjoy significant savings along with a higher cyber security posture for both an active cloud environment and disaster backup.

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